给你。 夏冉江正准备摘下耳机,被童哲一手按住。 那可不行。童哲挑了挑眉。你得唱给我听,你就当k歌了。 不唱。 不唱? 童哲一脸坏笑地凑过去,手却伸到夏冉江腰带下,先是试探性地挠了挠,又忽地抓住,夏冉江一个激灵差点从座位上跌下去。 我唱,唱 hello darkness, my old friend i\'ve e to talk with you again because a vision s s seeds ing ahat lanted in my brain still remains within the sound of silence less dreams i walked alone narrow streets of e he halo of a streetlamp i turned my collar to the d damp wheabbed by the flash of a that split the night ahe sound of silence and i i saw housand people, maybe more alking without speaking pe without listening ing songs that voiever share no one dare disturb the sound of silence fools said i, you do not know silence like a cer grows hear my words that i might teach you take my arms that i might reach you but my words like silent raindrops fell ahe wells of silence and the people borayed to the hey made and the sigs warning ihat it was f and the sign said the words of the prophets en on the subway walls a halls ahe sounds of silence 夏冉江听着自己的声音,突然觉得这首从小听到大的歌似乎有种陌生感。一直以来沉浸其中的平静心绪恍然变成了一层五彩斑斓的油墨,被这如一塘绿水的旋律排斥于上,再也无法交融其间。 我介绍几首歌给你。 童哲拿起夏冉江手机,找到sam tsui的专辑。 之前听到这个专辑,一个华人唱的,翻唱都很经典。听听看。 《hold it against me》? 闭眼听就是了。 if i said my heart was beating loud, if we could escape the ehow, if i said i want your body now, would you hold it against me 童哲小声哼着,边哼边靠近夏冉江。 这歌这么不正经 夏冉江微微睁眼,正撞上童哲的直视,赶紧又闭上眼睛。嘴角却淡淡地凹陷上扬,头慢慢偏到窗外,不禁露出笑意。 ☆、第 16 章 回到南京。一出飞机,迎面的寒风冻得童哲直打哆嗦。夏冉江赶紧从行李箱里找出一件羽绒外套给童哲披上。 我可不穿这个,穿得跟个大煤球似的,太难看。 童哲急忙躲开,硬生生地打了个喷嚏。 你穿不穿?瞧你那样,鼻涕都快淌成秦淮河了,还在乎什么好不好看。 夏冉江抻开外套,站着不动,一脸严肃地盯着童哲。童哲跑了几步回头,僵持了几秒,还是走了回来,背m.naNchANG791.CoM